My love for the travel and tourism industry was inspired during childhood by books featuring faraway places and glossy photos of bucket list destinations.

Growing up in rural Ohio, the only girl sandwiched between three brothers, taught me to be tough, that challenges are cyclical, and there’s a big, beautiful world to explore. With a desire to experience something new, I went to college at North Dakota State University in Fargo, ND. I participated in a yearlong study abroad program in Queensland, Australia, which helped me warm up from the brutal North Dakota winters and gave me a broader appreciation for the travel industry.

While my career started in traditional marketing, my love affair with digital marketing began when I was buying traditional and digital media for a national retail company. My mind was blown by the possibilities for targeting audiences and measuring metrics. That’s when I fell head over heels with digital marketing.

From there I spent seven years developing my digital marketing skills at agencies before taking the leap in 2020 to become a tourism marketing consultant. As a mentor for the Colorado Tourism Office, I’ve helped launch the Colorado Spirits Trail app, promoted a historic train museum’s grand reopening, and increased awareness of summer activities in Arvada, Colorado. As an independent consultant working in partnership with other agencies, I’ve created a content strategy for the South Pacific Tourism Organization and helped promote Visit NC’s Outdoor NC initiative through targeted digital advertising campaigns.

Working with clients to help them make sense of their digital marketing and create effective digital solutions that influence travelers to take action has been the most rewarding step of my career so far.

My Values

I grew up with a mom who always said there wasn’t enough time (she did have four kids!). And like a lot of people, I’ve lived with the sense that time is speeding up. A couple of years ago, while working at an agency I had a moment of reflection. I stopped to look back at the year that had gone by and couldn’t remember what I’d done, or whether it mattered.

I took part in a life-changing course called Reset which taught me how to use time intentionally and work with my own rhythms. That course led to me starting my own consultancy. Now I bring this spacious and intentional use of time to my clients through my consultancy. This grounded sense of time is the antidote to the hectic pace of digital marketing. It allows me to be your rock in ever-changing seas.

In 2022, I launched a travel and lifestyle blog to inspire travel to Western North Carolina and small habit changes to experience joy and adventure in everyday life.

How I Work

Time is precious. Once it’s gone, you can’t get it back. I work with you to make sure you use your time wisely. I start by getting a deep understanding of your goals. You could try a billion different strategies, but not all of them will get you closer to your KPIs.

It doesn’t matter how beautiful the creative is or how many people you reach if you don’t reach your target audience and inspire them to take action.

The digital marketing space has incredible potential. There are so many ways for your brand message to reach your target audience. I’ll show you the key elements you need to focus on.

You’ll discover how to know if you’re doing well and how you know if you need to make a change. I’ll only tell you the stuff that matters, so you can preserve your energy and time for other things.

My Promise

  • Your digital strategies and campaigns will be razor-focused on your goals.
  • Your time won’t be wasted on things that aren’t relevant to your goals.
  • You’ll look like the digital marketing hero at your organization.

I’m a curious and friendly soul.
Say hello, I always love to meet the person behind the screen.